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Data flow approach to full stack web-development
The way I am developing features for full stack applications has a pattern. I’m pretty sure that I’m not inventing anything new, this is more of an exercise for me to bring clarity to myself first, but maybe someone can find this helpful too.
Automated and versioned type importing from GraphQL schema
While recently working on a GraphQL project I had a task where the schema (part of the Infrastructure-as-Code) had to be exported to the frontend and the backend in TypeScript.
Testing Svelte reactivity with a wrapper
In an open-source project that I’m co-developing with Clare Macrae, we had to TDD some functionality in a Svelte component, but first we had to cover the behaviour of the existing component with tests looking like “The user has done this, test that the component has behaved like that”.
Культура программирования
Однажды у меня был разговор про обучение с директором одной школы программирования. Там было одно слово, которое поменяло весь разговор.